Selecting TQ Server for Installation

The TQ Server component maintains the centralised database of student details and results. Normally, only one machine at a site will have the TQ Server component installed and running.

If a standalone installation is being done, the TQ Server component is automatically set up correctly and will only run when the TQ Client program (or TQ Admin program) is being used.

TQ Server for a Network Installation
The rest of this topic deals with the case where a network installation is being done.

The TQ server component runs in background mode and should be installed in such a way that the component is automatically started and stopped by the machine's operating system when the machine is rebooted and shutdown.

As the full installation of TQ Server involves modifying system startup scripts, it is likely that you should use the install program to just install TQ Server while logged in as a super-user, and install other components while logged in as a less powerful administrator (Note On MS-Windows systems an administrator account covers both roles).

In the Microsoft Windows environment, the TQ Server component will normally be installed as a service.

The details of the TQ Server installation differ from operating system to operating system. Refer to the following topics for information on particular systems or groups of systems:

    Apple MAC
    Unix Variants

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